Thursday, April 10, 2008


12:21am-sleeping zzzzzzz.......
1:11am- sleeping
2:22am-and more sleeping
4:44am- snoozing
5:55am- half asleep
10:01am-missy (my dog) and I walk down to the photolab to talk to daryl about a project.
11:11am-watched a knitting lecture by Rose White in network culture.
12:21am- missy and I sat in the grass in front of school where i met a tortoise named "Bully". it made me think about my tortoise Frank who died about a year ago from extensive wounds after being attacked my my neighbors dogs.
*tried to post a picture of me and my tortoise but i couldn't figure it out.... will do so when i learn how to

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Network Culture-spring 08

For my final project I want to make a blog. This blog will be a daily inventory of my life basically. I will record in my blog what I was doing at a specific time everyday. The times of day I chose to record my happenings are palindromic times. A palindrome is something that you can read the same backwards and forwards. Palindromic times happen every ten minutes or so like 2:02 and 2:12. I don’t know if I want to record what I’m doing every ten minutes that would be a little too repetitive. Or maybe being repetitive is a good thing, I’m not sure. I think if I pick the more significant ones that happen every hour it will be more diverse and more readable, and maybe less effort on my part. I think I would also like to include pictures maybe once a day? Of where I am and what I’m doing. The palindromic times that are significant and not every ten minutes are 1:11, 2:22. 3:33. 4:44. 5:55 10:01 11:11 and 12:21, so there would be 16 entries a day.

I’m interested in Palindromes because I seem to notice them a lot. For some reason I find that palindromes follow me. For instance the cost of my lunch today was $5.55, when I woke up this morning I looked at the clock and it was 9:29. Maybe its not that they follow me, but more like I recognize them more than other people. For my blog I think I will note the weird palindromic things that happened that day. Also for the picture a day, I think I will choose the time 12:21 pm because it is in the middle of the day and it’s kind of the wedge that separates the morning from the evening.